This site will be launched on Oct 15th 2024.
AktiFul is a launchpad platform that offers qualified Bangladeshi-Americans to participate in building a better Bangladesh.
We believe that the best recipe to build Bangladesh better, is to participate with our knowledge, professional expertise and the spirit of giving.
We are thrilled to announce our exclusive sponsorship of a history making documentary about the student-led revolution in Bangladesh.
Please stay tuned for more details.
On August 5th, Bangladesh became indepedent again. This time not from a foreign enemy. The student-led revolution successfully overthrew a fiften year dictatorship that caused unimaginable atrocities and used all nation-grade tools in its power to supress the truth for fiftheen years.
None of us in our wildest dream imagined that the young, unarmed students will ever be able to overthrow such a deeply rooted corrupt regime in just a few weeks of protest. Unfortunately, the price of the new found indepdence was equally great - over 800 students and general public gave their lives for this new reality.
In the end, you often find yourself creating a website that requires many plugins and extensions from many different vendors. This can make your design overly complicated and difficult to maintain over the long term.
Grav tackles the problem differently. It focuses primarily on your content and turns your content structure into a navigable site. The underpinnings of Grav are simple, yet via extensive events, you have complete control over every step in the Grav workflow.
This solution allows simple plugins to quickly and easily add powerful functionality. Using Grav also leads to a rapid development environment with an installation process that takes seconds, including a straightforward content creation method with a minimal learning curve. All of this contributes to making Grav friendly to the designer, the developer, and the end user.
To get a basic site up-and-running requires minimal Web development experience. If you dig a little deeper, you will discover that there is very little Grav cannot accomplish.
We are constantly evaluating need-basis projects.
Etiam pretium elit vitae eros fringilla, vel gravida augue eleifend. Ut convallis, lacus non eleifend maximus, turpis odio mollis enim, ac malesuada quam leo ut augue. Quisque mollis urna ac ex varius, vel faucibus enim lacinia. Aenean a lorem consectetur, pulvinar sem nec, ultrices quam. Ut scelerisque, nibh vitae bibendum tincidunt, urna nisl viverra nulla, in mollis erat purus a mauris
Nulla tempus, ex vel commodo ullamcorper, velit leo sodales odio, ut viverra quam odio ut lacus. Maecenas a dolor quis risus aliquam interdum. Duis id consectetur odio, at iaculis lacus. Fusce lacinia maximus tortor, ac lacinia odio rutrum sed. Fusce tempor quis lectus eu consequat. Quisque orci nisl, eleifend eu risus ut, porta pretium ex.
Nullam pellentesque justo magna. Nunc a faucibus mauris. Quisque a hendrerit sem, id scelerisque arcu. Aliquam laoreet faucibus elit, at volutpat metus finibus et. Aenean tempor justo nibh, quis dignissim sapien aliquet eu. Vivamus risus neque, convallis ac laoreet sit amet, condimentum id tellus. Quisque porttitor arcu vitae sem sollicitudin efficitur.
Aliquam id convallis ante. Mauris nec purus lacinia, tempus mauris eget, blandit tortor. Ut ut dolor vitae lacus rutrum venenatis sed sed augue. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis egestas rhoncus commodo. Quisque id erat pharetra, consectetur nisl a, viverra nulla. Nunc quis euismod lorem. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce tincidunt mauris sed justo suscipit tempus.
We would love to answer any question you may have.